Joined: April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353
Posted: Post subject: Yeah, I watch soaps & I am a guy! Wanna fight about it? |
OK, so I will admit that a lot of people think that a guy who watches soaps must not be a manly guy. I don't think I am macho, but I am definitely a man. I watch the ABC soaps: All My Children, One Life to Life, and General Hospital. You may ask yourself, how did this happen? Simple enough to explain.
When I graduated high school, we only had one tv. My Mom was a teacher who also had the summers off, and she watched her soaps. I ened up watching with here and, almost thirty years later, I am still watching. So what do you think about that? Now, I do have to admit that I enjoy the stories, but, there is another good reason to watch soaps. There are TONS of beautiful women on soaps!!!! Any other suds-addicted folks here?
a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived." |