Classic Television Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 966 members

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Do you remember when?
Anyone else remember when the History Channel actually was more then just aliens and reality shows? And when TVland was still apart of Nickalodeon and played classic shows?

I don't remember the combinations but I remember when TVland played a specific show on specific days, I used to love watching blocks of "Welcome Back Karter".

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It's...Monty Python's Flying Circus fans
There has to be more than just me on here that loves Monty Python. What's your favourite episode? Favourite skit?

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My Childhood IS Classic TV!
Wow, it makes me feel kind of old to realize how much of the TV I watched as a kid is now considered "classic" TV and shows up on TVLand. Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Star Trek, Lost in Space, The Brady Bunch, Twilight Zone....the list goes on and on. And, no matter how many times I see those old shows, I still love them. What are some of you folks favorite classic shows?

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived."
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A group for those who want to watch classic TV shows. With this group, you can access the latest titles and stream them on any device. Get the ultimate entertainment experience with this group.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Classic Television Group
There are a LOT of groups within this site and throughout the network. Only post comments and replies specific to this group in this area.
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